This guide is only written for "Despatch Cloud 3.5". If you are looking for a guide on setting up a BigCommerce sales channel on "Channel API", please click here.
If you click on Big Commerce, you will see fields such as Client ID, Client Secret, Store Hash, and Order Statuses. We will be showing you how to fill those fields down below.
The first thing you need to do is to obtain the API Credentials from your BigCommerce store.
The following steps outline how to generate store API Credentials of BigCommerce:
- Log into the store through the login page.
- After logging in to your dashboard, click on Settings through the left sidebar.
3. Scroll to the bottom and click on the API Accounts.
4. Click on "Create API account."
5. Fill in the name section for your API connection. We've gone with "Demo" for this tutorial, but you could write "Despatch Cloud Connection," for example.
6. In the "OAuth Scopes" section, select the scopes the app will require.
You can see the recommended settings in the following section.
- Customers: read-only
- Orders: modify
- Products: modify
7. Once you're done with configuring the OAuth Scopes, click on the "Save" button, which is located in the right bottom corner.
Once you do that, the API Credentials will be presented to you, and a text file that contains them will be downloaded automatically: