Throughout This Page
You can jump to the specified sections by clicking on these titles.
Accessing the Inventory Page
Creating New Inventory
Modifying Existing Inventory
Importing and Exporting
Linking Inventory
The inventory feature allows you to store item data to generate shipments. It inherits item weights and dimensions, making despatch faster. It's also useful for international shipments with commodity (HS) codes and customs descriptions.
The inventory will auto-populate once sales channels are set up. It may take up to 6 hours, but you can update it manually or through a CSV file. The inventory will auto-update on channel set-up with stock control, but only on the initial download.
This document will walk you through how to manage your inventory within Orders.
Accessing the Inventory Page
At the top of the screen, you'll see various filters to help you refine your search for inventory items. You can use the filters to search by different categories such as "Product Code," "Product Name," "Location," or "Barcode."
If you need more refined searches, click on the "Filters" button on the right side of the screen. You'll find additional options, such as "Created At Date Range," which lets you specify inventory creation dates.
You can save frequently used search criteria to make your workflow more efficient. After setting up your preferred filters, click "Save Active Filters." It will save your filter settings for future use. To access these saved filters quickly, go to the "Saved" tab and choose your preferred configuration. If you no longer need a saved filter, you can easily delete it by clicking the "Remove Saved Filters" button.
Creating New Inventory
To create a new inventory item, click the "Create Inventory" button. You'll be directed to a new screen where you'll be prompted to input the following details:
- Product Name: Fill in the product name in this field. It accepts both alphanumeric characters and special characters such as underscore (_), ampersand (&), question mark (?), and forward slash (/). Special characters like apostrophes will be automatically removed. You can modify this field even after creating the item, so feel free to make changes as needed.
- Product Code: This is the product's unique identifier and cannot be modified once created. To make changes, delete the product and create a new one.
Once you have entered all the required information, click "Create Inventory" again to complete the creation process. This action will generate the inventory item and redirect you to the inventory details page, where you can provide more details about the product. The following fields are explained in detail below:
- General:
- Name: The product's name, allowing alphanumeric characters and special characters like underscore (_), ampersand (&), question mark (?), and forward slash (/). Apostrophes and other special characters will be removed.
- Description: Please provide a brief description of the item. Ensure that the description is clear, concise, and free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
- Cost Price: The cost price refers to the money paid to acquire an item.
- Retail Price: The amount a customer pays to purchase an item.
- Barcode: Input field that converts to the product's barcode and can be used as a searchable code on the inventory page filters.
- SKU (Product Code): This is automatically generated upon inventory item creation and cannot be modified. You must delete the product and create it again to make any changes.
- Export:
- Customs Description: It refers to a detailed classification of the item provided for customs clearance. This description helps the customs officials properly identify and categorise the item for import or export.
- HS Code: The Harmonised System (HS) code is used to calculate Import Duty tax. You can look up the code using services like
- Country of Origin: The country where the product was produced or manufactured. For example, Even if your supplier is based in Germany but sources the item from China, the country of origin is China.
- Weights and Dimensions: If left empty, the values will be pulled from the general setting page where defaults are set.
- Weight: Item's weight in kilograms.
- Height: Item's height in centimetres.
- Width: Item's width in centimetres.
- Length: Item's length in centimetres.
- Product Image: Upload an image of the item for easy identification when managing inventory or creating orders. It will appear in inventory screens, orders, and invoices/packing sheets.
- Location: Specify the location of the item within your inventory.
- Shipping:
- Shipping Override: Select a previously configured shipping service to automatically fill in courier and shipping information when adding this item to an order.
- Single Item Per Box: Set to "Yes" if the item should be packaged individually and "No" if it can be combined with other items in the same package.
Modifying Existing Inventory
To modify an item in the inventory, click on the button on each item's right side. It will take you to the item details page, where you can make all the necessary edits.
If you want to delete one or more items, select them by ticking the boxes on each item's left side. Once you've selected, click on the "Delete" button at the bottom left corner of the page. Please note that this action does not require confirmation, and the selected items will be permanently deleted immediately upon clicking the button.
Importing and Exporting
Orders provide you with the flexibility to import your existing inventory from external sources using CSV files and the option to export your Orders inventory. Click the "Import/Export Inventory" button to initiate this process.
Located at the bottom of this page, you can swiftly export and download your current inventory from Orders.
To upload your CSV file, you can download a CSV sample at the top of the page to understand how to organise your data before uploading it to Orders. Once you have reviewed the sample, prepare your CSV file accordingly. Then, select the file and click "Upload & Process File."
After uploading the CSV file, you will be directed to a mapping tool screen. On the left side of the screen, you will see the various sections in Orders, while the right side will display the data extracted from the CSV file. It's essential to match the fields of your CSV file with those in Orders to ensure that the data is allocated correctly. In case any rows in the CSV file do not have data, you can leave them blank by selecting the first option "---".
Linking Inventory
With the "Inventory Linking" button, you gain control over all inventory imported through your sales channels. Upon clicking this button, you'll find a list of all installed sales channels. Each channel's status—whether active or inactive—is displayed alongside the total inventory count, as well as linked and unlinked inventory quantities.
Selecting the "View Linking" button allows for further organisation of inventory associated with the sales channel. Here, you can search for inventory by sales channel SKU and their linked status, simplifying the process of locating specific items. Beneath the search field, you'll find the items within your sales channel displayed, allowing you to efficiently manage them directly from this section.