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Low Cost Parcels
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  • Setting Up Low Cost Parcels

Setting Up Low Cost Parcels

This document provides a step-by-step guide to integrating Low Cost Parcels with the Shipping API. Follow these instructions to integrate Low Cost Parcels into your system:

  1. Begin by navigating to the left panel and hovering your cursor over "API Accounts."
  2. Click the plus icon to initiate the setup process under your preferred API Account.
  3. In the first row, choose "Low Cost Parcels" from the list of available options.
  4. The following fields are required for setting up Low Cost Parcels integration:
    • Company: Enter any identifier you prefer.
    • Testing: This is a simple yes or no selection. If enabled, the information will not be transmitted to the courier through their API, making it suitable for testing.
    • API_Key, Client_ID: Obtain these details through Low Cost Parcels's platform or contact them directly to acquire this information.
    • Notes: Use this field to enter relevant information or notes regarding this courier. It will only be visible to you.
  5. To complete the setup, click on "Save Changes." 

By following these steps, you will successfully configure the Low Cost Parcels integration with your Shipping API.